Saturday, January 7, 2017

ICYMI/SYD #5: Ten Great Online Essays & Articles

In case you missed it, so you don't:

On Positron:
Around Chicago:
There's not a whole lot on the close horizon, events-wise. However:
Around the Interwebs:
I ran into an unusually large amount of good articles and essays over the holiday season. Here's ten I'd recommend:
  1. In the LA Review of Books, Eliza Glinter's "The World According to Stanislaw Lem", a short biography & critical look at his work. 
  2. On, Jo Walton's "The Tremendous Continuity of Science Fiction in Conversation with Itself", a delightful look at how a hefty handful of recent novels are building on previous work. I love this aspect of the field, and Walton has a keen eye for it.
  3. Barnes & Noble's "Mind Meld: Books We Want to Bring into the Spotlight" is a great list of lesser-known books suggested by current authors. Rather similar to Positron's first Hive Mind column, actually.
  4. In The Outline, the ever-insightful Angelica Jade BastiƩn writes "Female Androids Should Be More Than Vengeful Sexbots", a look at the feminine robot in Westworld, Ex Machina and more.
  5. In Amazing Stories, Foz Meadows' "Unempathetic Bipeds of Failure: The Relationship Between Stories and Politics" is a must-read, looking at how politics are unavoidably encoded even in SFF stories. There's also an included synopsis of the drama that accompanied this article's publication—Meadows (imho, correctly) calls out Beale as a Nazi, which led to the article being pulled from its original home on Black Gate.
  6. On, Brian Atterby shares a transcript of his speech "The James Tiptree Jr. Book Club; or, a Mitochondrial Theory of Literature", which was his keynote address at the 2016 Tiptree Symposium honoring Ursula Le Guin. Highly Recommended.
  7. SFFWorld has a good interview with Yoon Ha Lee, whose Ninefox Gambit I reviewed rather glowingly.
  8. On LitHub, authors Ken Liu and Kate Elliot's conversation on the question "Why is it 'unrealistic' to show women in power in fantasy?" is a great read.
  9. Helen Rosner (executive editor of by day) has a hilarious and in-depth take on Brigadoon, problematic and musical time-travel tale that it is.
  10. In Uncanny, Keidra Chaney's "Living, Working, and Fangirling with a Chronic Illness" is a really great piece.
And that's all for now!

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