Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Our first podcast focuses on
Ada Palmer's "Terra Ignota" series.
In case you missed it, so you don't:

On Positron:
Around Chicago:
The Wider World & The World Wide Webs:
  • Awards!
  • Odyssey Con seems to be imploding spectacularly after mishandling harassment concerns; all guests of honor have now withdrawn, and the con is offering refunds for attendees. If you want to read more, maybe start with the File 770 report and go from there. This whole thing is just textbook "how not to handle safety concerns re: harassment"; the only bright point has been the many awesome folks in the industry & fandom supporting Valentinelli. This Con wasn't even on my radar until recently, and I stuck it on the events list since Madison is in easy reach of Chicagoland—sorry to see this whole fubar situation.
  • Chicago Review of Books has a nice round-up and some interviews with Chicago-based comic creators who'll be at C2E2.
  • CHIRB also did a cool piece with 11 climate fiction authors suggesting other works in the genre.
  • Must-read article: Erin Horáková's article on Strange Horizons, Kirk Drift, about the way that culture at large misremembers James T. Kirk in telling ways. This is one of the most insightful bits of criticism I've read in quite a while, and I would not be surprised in the least to see "Kirk Drift" enter the lexicon of useful cultural/cognitive terms. Seriously, read this. The specific example is how we "remember" a Kirk that's very different from the actual text, but it illustrates a far more general point about how the present re-writes the past, and how close attention can reveal problematic misreads and ideological blindspots. Really brilliant.

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